Friday, February 18, 2011

From the making of the music video I have learnt how to use new technologies such as a new hd camera and I have also learnt how to use new software such as final cut express. Overall I was able to increase my understanding of different technologies as I was able to use some of the same technology that I used to create my thriller work.

From the preliminary task I feel I have learnt how to lip sync correctly, I am now able to make the lip syncing coincide with the song correctly making it look fluent and like it is actually being sung. Also I have now learnt how to use final cut express as we used this to piece all our music video, I have found out that it allows you to do more on it than what we was able to do for our thriller coursework. With final cut express we was able to test certain things to what we could do with it we was able to do new things such as split screening the shots which meant we could have two people singing side by side on the screen making it look like they were singing to each other. As we were using final cut express we was always trying out new things to see what we could do with the video.

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