Monday, October 25, 2010


We have come up with many ideas, all of which tie in with the lyrics of our song. We have made an ideas collage and are in progress of storyboarding all the different shots we are going to use and how to fit them together. For the first verse we will be lip sync it. We are going to be in room which we will try to make it look like a concert going on where the band is playing. We are going to have various lights shone to make the concert scene look more realistic. At the end of the concert we will show the band going off to party with some of the members out of the audience, we are going to do this to represent the lyrics where he sings "My neighbour". During the party you'll also realise that we are portraying more of the lyric when he says "He smokes too much and drinks all the time". We would then like to show one of the audience members stumbling and going into a dream in which they will wake up next to a table with a fruit bowl on it, in which a piece of fruit will begin to sing. This will be hard to get right in the video but after researching into how to do it on final cut pro we believe it might be difficult but we think we will be able to pull it off.

We will also use a character which will look and be one of a kind this will help once again to portray our superheroe idea. We will also use a deck of cards to show this so that their not just an ordinary deck of cards but are different and not just the same as other decks of cards.

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